You play as the Olde Knight, an elderly, beleaguered hero who has saved countless maidens in his decades-long career as a veteran knight of the kingdom. Now, the Olde Knight is once again entrusted with the mission of saving the king's youngest daughter, Princess Weepina. Tired of babysitting spoiled, little girls all his career, who knows how he'll react next...


P - Pause Menu

On the Overworld

WASD - Player Movement

In Combat

Combat is turn-based and grid-based, you and the enemy will take turns taking actions on the battle grid. 

Hover over a unit to show their information.

Left-click on the player to initiate movement, and click on a valid tile to move to that location. Once movement is confirmed, an action menu will pop up allowing you to select your desired action.

Right-click to undo action.

WASD to pan camera, movement restricted to the boundaries of the grid.

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